Monday, January 25, 2010

Our Way Back

Sorry for being silent for so long!

We are still alive and well. This week is finals week here at YGIS. Merida and I are headed on a trip before we return to the USA. If you have been keeping track, yes, we are coming a little sooner than expected, however everything is fine and we will miss it here. Ethiopia and this wonderful school and community has no part in our early return. It truly is wonderful here. I and Merida will miss it as long as we remain away.

Merida and I will head to Kenya on the 7th of February and we return to Boston on March 10th. Then we should be back in Denver by April 1st.

see you soon


Saturday, September 5, 2009

The PRregnant lady on the Bus Story!!! Complete Version

Hello there everyone,it Merida and thanks for checking out our blog. Here is how the story goes:
We were on our way back into town from the villages that we just visited. When we got to the end of the road of the village we were flagged down by a nurse. A women was in labor and needed to go to the local hospital because she was having a difficult delivery. So after she was placed on the floor of the bus, the driver drove fast down a bumpy road to get to town. I realized that the women was seemingly losing consciousness, so i checked her vital signs, restarted her IV and made sure she stayed awake. Then everyone was talking about driving two hours to the best hospital in Omo valley. Since collin was counting her contractions to 3 minutes apart i didnt think she had time. So I had the bus ddriver stop the bus, kick off all the men, so i could check to see if the baby was coming. After putting on sterile gloves, and examining her, i gave the bus driver the go ahead to take her to the hospital. I couldnt believe it. It was the most exciting, scary and exilierating expierence ever. BUT No, she did not give birth on the bus.
Oh and P.S. for those of you that dont know me, NO I am not a Medical Professional!
Take care everyone,

Saturday, August 29, 2009


HELLO USA! We are set to make our journey to ADIGRAT from ADDIS ABABA. We have just returned from a pre-volunteer vacation where we were completely out of contact with everyone…not our fault. No telephone and no internet. In a week we should be in Adigrat and able to talk and write more often.

Here are some pictures and the Itinerary of our latest adventure

ADDIS ABABA: AUG 18th-22nd
Capital city and economic center of Ethiopia and African Union and United Nations Center for Africa. 4-10 million people (yes that is not a mistake)
The family we are staying with are truly amazing. All members are very accomplished and bright…they all speak English very well and it is easy to ask questions. Each member of the family has also taken turns being a tour guide.

AWASA (through Ziway) Aug 22- 24th
Saw Hippos in Ziway. Our boat driver had just caught a 3.5 meter or 11.5 foot snake in his fishing net…..just one more reason not to swim with the Hippos. Mother I don’t want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. They are too big and I hear dangerous.
Once in AWASA we enjoyed the tropical weather, hiked with a group of kids, ate bananas and pineapples, and moved on.

ARBA MINCH, Aug24th-26th (6-9 hours of the worst road possible, Merida saw a large black Primate running in a field 100 feet or so away)
Didn’t feel safe, the safari was too expensive for what we had planed so we kept moving…I won’t go back!

KONSO, Aug 26th- 28th (we met a woman named Lori P. Sweningson ( who works with Hamar Tribe in Southern Ethiopia. She is in her 50s, from Seattle and runs her own NGO where she works 3months in Ethiopia (in a tent) and three months in Seattle. Very Exciting!)

Merida almost delivered a baby on a bus (she was dehydrated and going in to labor)- We visited remote African tribes (the place w found the pregnant lady and took her on the bus we rented- Met some great and or interesting people most notably Mr. Tichafa of the Strawberry Fields Eco Lodge ( Mr Tichafa is a “permacultre” teacher who’s native country in Zimbabwe, but who travels Africa setting up eco lodges teaching natives how to utilize the native species of plants and animals to sustain them selves and their communities. He introduces no new species to the area. He is simply an inspiration. Equipped with a mighty wit, a big smile, huge understanding and a massive heart, Mr Tichafa had much to teach us. We sat outside and shared dinner in his self made paradise. - saw some illnesses and or developmental defects poverty and hardship that blew our minds and opened our hearts.

YABELO and HAGAR MARIUM 28th-29th ! The road and views where spectacular. I would like to take this road again. The countryside changes thousands of ways during our trip. 20 foot tall Termite piles, drought, heavy forests, tropical forests, huts, farms, bright, colorful and beautiful tribal, Muslim and Orthodox cultures and dress, and so much more.

Back to ADDIS, Aug 29th
Can’t wait to get to Adigrat and start work! Adigrat is located at the top of an Ethiopian map; just east of Axum.

More info

The time difference: 7 hours from the East Coast/ 9 from Denver
Ethiopian time starts at 6am or sun up! sooooo I get out of bed at 2 am Ethiopian time or 8 am everywhere else in the world in the same time zone.

We are entering the 13th month of the Ethiopian Calender...not sure about how to explain that yet. I'll get back to you

Peace and Love
Collin and Merida

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Merida and Collin's Adventure!

Here is a picture taken by Gary Irvine called Misty Morning. It is of an Ethiopian Orthodox Church.


July-August 2009 (Before the Trip)